Jesus is King!

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Last weekend in Lexington, I attended church with Tylar and Grant, and the sermon was about government and Christianity. Ooh, that could have been sticky! Instead, it was such a good reminder of our role as citizens of a country and our role as God’s children. Both are important: one is the most important of all.

Matthew 22:21 was the basis of the sermon. When Jesus was asked if they should pay the tax that Caesar imposed, this was His answer: “Well then”, he said, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.” NLT This verse is common, and Jesus’ response was quite direct and didn’t choose sides like they thought it would. I just love how the Pharisees could never out-smart Jesus!

There is a place for government in our world. According to the sermon, government is for order, justice, and peace. God has allowed us to set up systems of government. We aren’t to ignore, hate, or condemn the idea of government. We aren’t to be apathetic or uninvolved. Our role is to participate in the hopes that the people in the government and the policies that are created will all glorify God.

What government and our involvement should not do is take our complete focus. It should not be what we obsess about. Government is a piece of this world that God created, and our sole focus should be on God, glorifying him, and creating disciples. When we get so consumed with politics and spew or “share” hateful messages, we are making government the focus. We should be spewing and “sharing” the Lord!

No matter who wins this year’s election, the only ruler that matters is Jesus. Even David, chosen by God to lead a nation, sinned and was imperfect. No human leader has been or ever will be free of sin. We cannot find that person. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t care or shouldn’t vote, but we also shouldn’t cast stones. If we remember that the true and only king is right here with us and is all that matters, voting and government are put in their place-well under Him.

If our nation would have a revival and return to God, oh how much more joy would be in our country. If we would pray for forgiveness and love each other, oh how much more joy would be in our country. If we would ask forgiveness for and fight against our sinful nature instead of saying that sin is okay, oh how much more joy would be in our country. Because in the end, all that matters is that Jesus is King!!

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